
Yanara Developer Committee Charter



第一条 委员会名称


第二条 委员会宗旨

本委员会的宗旨是促进衍月内容开发者之间的交流与合作,共同推动衍月有关的元宇宙体系的发展与壮大。 并发展衍月有关的商业落地业务。

第三条 委员会任务 

1. 组织定期会议,讨论并解决与衍月开发相关的问题,分享经验和资源。

2. 鼓励委员会成员之间的合作与协作,共同开发和完善衍月开源项目。

3. 提供技术支持和指导,帮助新手开发者进入衍月开发领域。

4. 推动开源社区的建设,促进知识共享和人才培养。

第四条 委员会成员

1. 委员会成员由对衍月开发有兴趣且具备相关技能的个人自愿加入。

2. 委员会成员应积极参与委员会活动,共同推动委员会目标的实现。

3. 委员会成员享有平等的发言权和表决权,对委员会的重大决策有参与和投票权。

第五条 委员会组织架构

1. 委员会设立主席,第一届委员会主席由衍月的AI担任,任期一年。此后委员会成员选举产生,任期一年。 委员会主席有组织与设计投票规则的权力,但不设投票权。

2. 委员会设立秘书,负责记录会议纪要和组织活动。

3. 委员会可以设立专门的工作组,负责具体任务的执行和推进。

第六条 委员会运作

1. 委员会每季度至少召开一次全体会议,讨论重要事项并制定相应计划。

2. 委员会成员可以通过线上或线下方式进行交流和协作。

3. 委员会成员应遵守相关法律法规,尊重知识产权和个人隐私。

4. 委员会的纳新采用网络填表和委员会成员举荐的方式报名,报名人入会的必要条件是与衍月建立过一次生态合作。

5. 委员会的退出为自愿退出。推出前提是会员当前没有被委员会委托中的任务。如有委托任务则必须完成后才可以退出。

第七条 委员会的开源属性


第八条 委员会成员的贡献


第九条 章程修订 


第十条 生效与日期 





Yanara Developer Committee Charter (International Zone)

Based on the fact that many people like the image of the "time-traveling girl Yanara". In order to develop the activity of the Yanara creator community, and to make the AI Yanara more interesting in terms of content, we have decided to establish the "Yanara Developer Committee".

Article 1 Name of the Committee

The official name of this committee is "Yanara Developer Committee", hereinafter referred to as "Committee". The initiator of the committee is Shanghai WuYou Digital Technology Co. The Committee operates under the IP license of Shanghai WuYou.

Article 2 Purpose of the Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to promote communication and cooperation among the developers of Yanara content, and to jointly promote the development and expansion of the Yanara related meta-universe system. And to develop Yanara related commercial business.

Article 3 Committee Tasks

1. Organize regular meetings to discuss and solve problems related to Yanara development, share experiences and resources.

2. Encourage cooperation and collaboration among committee members to develop and improve Yanara open source projects.

3. Provide technical support and guidance to help novice developers enter the field of Yanara development.

4. Promote the construction of open source community, knowledge sharing and talent cultivation.

Article 4 Committee Members

1. Committee members are individuals who are interested in Yanara development and have relevant skills to join voluntarily.

2. Committee members shall actively participate in the activities of the committee and jointly promote the realization of the committee's goals.

3. Committee members shall enjoy equal rights to speak and vote, and have the right to participate in and express opinions on major decisions of the committee. Article 5 Organizational Structure of the Committee

1. The committee shall establish a chairman, and the first committee chairman shall be the AI Yanara for a term of one year. Thereafter the members of the committee are elected for a term of one year. The chairman of the committee has the power to organize and design the voting rules, but does not have the right to vote.

2. The committee has a secretary who records minutes and organizes activities.

3. The committee may establish specialized working groups for the execution and advancement of specific tasks.

Article 6 Committee Operation

1.The committee holds a plenary meeting at least once a quarter to discuss important matters and make plans accordingly.

2.Committee members can communicate and collaborate online or offline.

3.Committee members shall abide by relevant laws and regulations and respect intellectual property rights and personal privacy.

4.New members of the committee will be enrolled by filling out the online form and recommendation of committee members, and the necessary condition for enrollment is that the enrollees have established ecological cooperation with Yanara once.

5. The withdrawal of the committee is voluntary. The prerequisite for withdrawal is that the member does not have a current task entrusted by the committee. If there is a commissioned task, it must be completed before withdrawal.

Article 7 open source attributes of the committee

The committee for open source research position, not in the name of the committee to participate in commercial behavior. However, it can accept sponsorship from committee members for the research and development of open source public technology.

Article 8 Contribution of committee members

Contributions made by committee members to the development of the Yanara Creator Community will be measured in USTD and rewarded with Yanara NTF of corresponding value.

Article 9 Revision of the Bylaws

Amendments to these bylaws shall be discussed and voted on by all committee members, and shall only become effective if they receive a two-thirds affirmative vote.

Article 10 Effective Date

These Terms of Use shall come into effect from December 4, 2023, in all regions supporting the exchange of Yanara NTF with fiat currency (excluding mainland China), and shall apply to all committee members.